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The center

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 2w ago

The core of Uranus is made up of a combination of rock and metal. This solid core is surrounded by thick layers of icy materials such as water, ammonia, and methane.

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Q: What part of uranus is made of solid material?
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What part of Uranus made of solid material?

The center

What part of uranus is made of solid?

The core of Uranus is believed to be made of solid rock and metal compounds, such as iron and nickel. This solid core is surrounded by layers of icy materials, water, ammonia, and methane that make up most of the planet's mass.

The solid part of earth is made up of material called?

The solid part of Earth is made up of rocks, minerals, and metals. These materials form the Earth's crust, mantle, and core. The crust is mainly composed of silicon, oxygen, aluminum, and iron.

What is solid material?

A solid abrasive material is a mineral which can wear away part of another solid by rubbing. A common solid abrasive is diamond.

What is Solid Abrasive Material?

A solid abrasive material is a mineral which can wear away part of another solid by rubbing. A common solid abrasive is diamond.

What part of earth is solid but stil moves and flows slowly?

The Earth's mantle is a solid layer beneath the crust that moves and flows slowly over the long term, causing tectonic plate movements. This slow movement is due to the high temperatures and pressures within the mantle, which allow the solid rock to deform and flow over time.

What is edible on Uranus?

As far as we know, there are no known edible resources on Uranus. Its extreme cold temperatures, lack of atmosphere, and composition primarily of gas and ice make it inhospitable for any form of life or edible substances.

What is part of the core made up of solid?

The inner core is the solid part of the core

What part of the core is made up of solid metal?

The inner core is the solid part of the core

What is the core mostly made of molten metal or solid metal?

It is widely scientifically believed that the inner core (deepest part of Earth) is made of solid iron. However the inner core is surrounded by an outer core of iron and nickel that is believed to be molten material.

What is the solid part of earth made of?


What is the main part about Uranus?

The main part about Uranus is that it is so cold and it never can become warm.