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Well, giving the example of Bromine (1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p5) the s orbitals (represented by the letter s) are the first two groups/families (1-2) with the exception of helium, the p orbitals (represented by the letter p) are the last six groups/families (13-18), and the d orbitals (represented by the letter d) are the transition metals (3-12). Not included in bromine are the f orbitals (elements 57-70 and 89-102)

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Q: What part of the electron configuration of an element corresponds to the periodic of element?
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The electron configuration 1s22s22p5 corresponds to the element fluorine (F), which has 9 electrons.

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The element with the electron configuration 2s1 is lithium (Li). However, there is no element with the electron configuration S2d1 as "S" and "d" are not valid subshells in the electron configuration notation based on the periodic table.

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This electron configuration belongs to the group 17 elements, also known as the halogens. The 3s2 3p5 configuration specifically corresponds to the element chlorine (Cl).

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The element with the above electron configuration would have 10 electrons, which corresponds to neon (Ne) on the periodic table. Neon belongs to the noble gas group and is known for its stability due to its full outer electron shell.

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An element that has the electron configuration Ne3s23p5 is in which period?

An element with the electron configuration Ne3s^23p^5 is in period 3 of the periodic table. The electron configuration indicates that the element has 3 energy levels, with the last electron being in the 3p subshell.