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Medulla and part of pons : the brain stem

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Q: What part of the brain is responsible for maintaining heartbeat?
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What part of the brain responsible for coordinating muscle movements and maintaining balance?


What part of the brain is responsible for coordinating muscle movement and maintaining balance?


Which part of a sheeps brain is the biggest?

The cerebellum is the largest part of a sheep's brain. It is responsible for coordinating movement and maintaining balance.

What is part of the brain responsible for coordinating muscle movements and maintaining balance called?

The part of the brain responsible for coordinating muscle movements and maintaining balance is called the cerebellum.

Function of the brainstem?

it is responsible for vial life functions such as breathing heartbeat and blood pressure it is the most simple part of the human brain

Why is the brain stem called the primitive part of the brain?

The brain stem is often referred to as the primitive part of the brain because it controls essential functions necessary for survival, such as breathing, heartbeat, and blood pressure. These functions are considered primitive as they are fundamental to life and have been preserved throughout evolutionary history.

Which part of the brain of humans control heartbeat?


What part of the brain controls the functions like breathing and heartbeat?

Brain cells

What part of the Human body is responsible for controlling breathing and heartbeat?

The Brain, specifically the brain stem and the central nervous system that controls any "unconscious" activities like breathing and pulse rate.

What part of the animal brain is responsible for basic functions such as breathing and pulse?

The brainstem, specifically the medulla oblongata, is responsible for regulating automatic bodily functions such as breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure. This area of the brain controls essential functions to maintain life without conscious effort.

Which part of sheep brain is responsible for balance walking?

which part of sheep's brain is responsible for locating its young

What part of the body responsible for maintaining equilibrium?

The inner ear, specifically the vestibular system, is responsible for maintaining equilibrium and balance in the body. It includes structures like the semicircular canals and otolith organs that provide information to the brain about the body's position and movement. Damage or dysfunction in the inner ear can lead to balance problems and dizziness.