The brain is considered the most used body part, while the heart is often considered the second most used body part because it constantly pumps blood throughout the body.
Our wrists! It is also the most injured joint because of it's use.
The most inferior part of the body is typically the feet, as they are located at the bottom and farthest away from the head in anatomical position.
what is the most important body part of a jaguar
the neck is the most sensitive part of your body - WRONG The correct answer is your lip then thumb
the deck or the bearings
The most fragile body part is typically considered to be the eye, due to its complex structure and sensitivity to injury. It is important to protect the eyes from harm and seek medical attention if they are injured.
Skin. The human organ of skin that covers the whole body is deffinitelly the most injured of all body organs. (Bet you didn't know skin was an organ)
Moving the injured body part could make it worse, especially if the neck or back is injured.
A long piece of soft material that covers and protects an injured part of the body
Nicked? The body part that got INJURED was is left foot. that is why he has so many walking sticks. he probably got this injury in war.
The answer to this questions relates to the extent of the injury, the body part injured and many other variables.
The pinkey toe.
A body splint/litter