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5d ago

Ophthalmic preparations are directly administered to the eyes.

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Q: What part of the body are ophthalmic preparations directly administered?
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Can kids use tobramycin ophthalmic solution?

It is dosed by body weight, so yes.

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Usually, vaccinations will be administered in the scruff of the neck. Occasionally, vaccinations will be given directly into the muscle of the cat (intermuscularly) in the cat's hind leg.

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Glucose is the purest and simplest form of energy. It requires no digestion, thus uses no energy from the body. It is used when someone is severely injured or is very weak and does not have, or cant spare the energy to digest food. It is administered in a drip directly into the bloodstream via IV.

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To which part of the body are these administered?

klikera esse yo =))

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Where on the body is the hpv vaccine administered?

AnswerGardasil is the immunization for HPV. It is administered in the deltoid muscle of the upper arm (right below the shoulder)

Where on the body is the DPT vaccine administered?

The DPT vaccine is injected into the muscle of body generally in arms.

What is the difference between an antibiotic ophthalmic and an antibiotic topical?

Ophthalmic means for, or about the eyes. Topical means intended for use on the body surfaces, usually only the skin, but sometimes medicines intended for the inside of the mouth (but not swallowed) or other mucus tissues in body cavities, like in and near the rectum, vagina, etc. could also be considered topical. Always follow the label directions when using medications and apply topical and ophthalmic drugs only as directed by the label or by your health care professional. If you aren't sure, ask the dispensing Pharmacist for clarification on the administration. Sometimes medicines intended for the skin near the eyes are categorized as both topical and ophthalmic preparations, since they must be safe for administration to an area that could allow the medicine to come in contact with the eyes even though applied to the eye lids or other tissues near the eye. Eye antibiotic ointments may be prescribed for use in and/or near the eyes, be sure to ask the Pharmacist if you are not sure how to administer any types of medicines.

Why is it important to administer medication in the same manner each time?

Medicine is administered according to the body weight ,therefore if a large dose is required more than the body weight it is administered in same quantity and time for the medicine to take effect.