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The neutron is in the Nucleus and has a neutral charge whereas the proton that is also in the Nucleus has a positive charge. the electrons, which have a negative charge, are in concentric circles around the nucleus. If the atom had an atomic number of 16 then the electrons would be positioned like this; 2 in the first circle, 8 in the next and 6 in the final. The last number shows what row of the Periodic Table that atom of the element is in. Hope I helped. 2000AD

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The neutron is a subatomic particle found in the nucleus of an atom. It has no charge, making it neutral.

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Q: What part of the atom is the neutron and what charge does it have?
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What part of an atom has charge?


The part of an atom with no charge?

The neutron does not have any charge

What part of the atom does not carry a charge?

an atom is generally believed to consist of protons and neutrons situated in the core and electrons moving around this core in circular motions. The neutrons do not have a charge. It should be noted that protons and neutrons are made up of different quarks.

Which part of an atom doesnot carry a charge?


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What part of the atom that carries no electric charge?

An atom that is not an ion has no electric charge. If it is particles that make up the atom you speak of, the nucleus houses the neutron; an elementary particle with zero charge.

What is the part of the atom that carries no electric charge?

The neutron is the part of the atom that carries no electric charge. It is located in the nucleus along with protons, which carry a positive charge, and electrons, which carry a negative charge.

What are each part of the atom's charges?

Proton: positive charge Electron: negative charge Neutron: neutral

What is the name for the subatomic particle in an atom that has no charge?

The subatomic particle in an atom that has no charge is called a neutron. Neutrons are found in the nucleus of an atom along with protons, which have a positive charge, and electrons, which have a negative charge.

What particle of an atom is not electrically charge?

The neutron - found in the nucleus of the atom. Protons (in the nucleus) have a positive charge, electrons (orbiting the nucleus) have a negative charge.

What does 'neutron' mean?

A neutron is a part of the atom that has a Neutral charge so to say. The atom is composed of an electron, proton, and neutron. Electrons have the negative charge, Protons have a positive, and neutron has no charge. Remember it as in "Neutron is neutral" or "neutron is no". A free neutron (outside of an atom that is) has a half-life of less than 15 minutes.