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A concept or model of the atom characterised by the presence of a small, massive nucleus at its centre.

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9y ago

nuclear atoms are atoms with a small positively charged nucleus surrounded by planetary electrons

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11y ago

the center part, the nucleus.

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Q: What part of the atom does the word nuclear refer to?
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What does the word nuclear?

The word "nuclear" refers to the nucleus or center of an atom, where protons and neutrons are located. It can also refer to nuclear energy, weapons, or reactions involving the splitting or fusion of atomic nuclei.

Is nuclear a common noun?

No, the word 'nuclear' is not a noun. The word 'nuclear' is an adjective a word used to describe a noun.The word 'nuclear' is the adjective form of the noun nucleus, a common noun; a general word for the positively charged central core of an atom; a general word for the central part of most cells that contains genetic material; a general word for the central and most important part of something; a word for any nucleus of any kind.

What part of speech is the word nuclear?

The word "nuclear" can function as an adjective.

What is the origin of the word nuclear?

The term "nucleus" is from Latin nucleus("'kernel'"), derived from nux ("'nut'"). In 1844, Michael Faraday used the term to refer to the "central point of an atom". The modern atomic meaning was proposed by Ernest Rutherford in 1912.[1] The adoption of the term "nucleus" to atomic theory, however, was not immediate. In 1916, for example, Gilbert N. Lewis stated, in his famous article The Atom and the Molecule, that "the atom is composed of the kernel and an outer atom or shell". The term "nuclear" is derived from this word.

What is a definition for the word 'nuclear'?

Of or relating to the nucleus. In the context of chemistry, the nucleus is the center of atom, composed of protons and neutrons. Nuclear chemistry deals with reactions that involve the nucleus, for example in which neutrons are either added to or removed from the nucleus of an atom. There are other meaning, but they generally refer to something central or the core of something (the nuclear family is composed of parents and children only).

Should the you capitalize the word atom?

No, the word "atom" should not be capitalized unless it is at the beginning of a sentence or part of a proper noun.

What body part does the medical root word cerebello refer to?

The medical root word 'cerebello' refers to the cerebellurn (part of brain).

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"Costa" is the latin word for the ribs or side.

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The word "cephalic" refers to the head or the skull.

What is the definition of the word atomic?

1.Of or relating to an atom or atoms.2. Of or employing nuclear energy3. Very small; infinitesimal.

Is nucleus a verb?

No, the word "nucleus" is a noun, not a verb. It refers to the central part of a cell, typically containing genetic material.

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The medical root word 'ileo' refers to the ileum (part of small intestine).