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For years we've been told that it increased blood pressure. More recent research has suggested that maybe it doesn't as much as was previously thought.

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2w ago

The sodium component in salt is harmful when consumed in excess because it can contribute to high blood pressure and increase the risk of Heart disease and stroke. It's recommended to limit sodium intake to protect our health.

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13y ago

Table salt is harmful because it can cause dehydration if you consume to much of it.

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it can be helpful or harmful

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No, it is not harmful.

How is salt harmful?

Salt can be harmful for the heart if the daily intake is greater than 2,5-5 g.

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Crisps with more salt can contribute to an increase in blood pressure and may raise the risk of developing hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. Consuming too much salt can also lead to water retention and dehydration. It is recommended to choose crisps with less salt to maintain overall health and well-being.

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Is salt harmful to health?

As with many things salt can be harmful in excessive amounts but it is also essential to life too.

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Ozone layer is the part of this world. It protects us from the harmful UV light.

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