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the electron transport chain

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Katelyn Kuhn

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Q: What part of respiration produce the most ATP?
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Which part of respiration produces the most ATP?

the electron transport chain

Where are the most ATP molecules produce in aerobic respiration?

Electron transport chains

What would be the Most efficient form of cellular respiration result in production of ATP?

There are many ways to product ATP. The most efficient way to produce ATP is Aerobic respiration, this produces 34 ATP molecules.

Where do cardiac muscles produce ATP?

Cellular respiration

What cellular process makes most of the cell's ATP?

The process of cellular respiration, specifically oxidative phosphorylation, generates the majority of the cell's ATP. This process occurs in the mitochondria and involves the electron transport chain to produce ATP from the energy stored in glucose.

What is importance of ATP?

ATP is the most common type of energy your body will produce in cellular respiration. Without ATP your cells could not function and would die.

How do a muscle produce ATP?

creatine phosphate, anerobic cellular respiration, and areobic cellular respiration all produce ATP.

What is the main purpose of respiration is to produce?

The main purpose of respiration is to produce energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) by breaking down glucose molecules in the presence of oxygen. ATP is the primary energy source used by cells to carry out their functions.

What processes produces the most ATP?

The electron transport chain during aerobic respiration produces the most ATP, generating up to 34 molecules of ATP per molecule of glucose. This process occurs in the inner mitochondrial membrane and involves a series of redox reactions that drive ATP synthesis.

When do cells carry out cellular respiration?

to produce ATP

Cells produce ATP most efficiently in the presence of what molecule?

Oxygen. Cells can produce much more ATP from glucose in the presence of Oxygen (aerobic respiration) than without oxygen (anaerobic respiration) in a process called oxidative phosphorylation that occurs in the mitochondria of cells. In the presence of oxygen one glucose can be broken down to produce 36 ATP Without oxygen, only 4 ATP can be made

What is the name of the process that releases energy from food by producing ATP in the absence of oxygen?

The process is called anaerobic respiration, specifically fermentation. It involves breaking down glucose to produce ATP without the need for oxygen.