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Magnetism is associated with the movement of electrons.

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Q: What part of atoms produced magnetism?
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What role do electrons play in magnetism?

Electrons are responsible for producing magnetism in materials. When electrons spin on their axis and move around the nucleus, they create a magnetic field. In materials where the electrons align in a particular direction, such as in ferromagnetic materials, this alignment results in the material having a macroscopic magnetic field.

What is magnetism produced by?

Magnetism is produced by the alignment and movement of electric charges, specifically electrons, within a material. In some materials, such as iron, nickel, and cobalt, the alignment of these charges creates a net magnetic field that can attract or repel other magnetic materials.

Why is there magnetism on earth?

All magnetism is due to circulating electric currents. In magnetic materials the magnetism is produced by electrons orbiting within the atoms; In most substances the magnetic effects of different electrons cancel each other out, but in some, such as iron, a net magnetic field can be induced by aligning the atoms.

Is magnetism composed of atoms?

yes, everything if you talk science, EVERYTHING is atoms.

What is required for electricity and magnetism?

Electricity is the movement of electrons between atoms. Magnetism only exists around moving electrons.

What will increasing the electric current to an electromagnet do to its magnetism?

Increasing the electric current through an electromagnet will increase its magnetic field strength. This is because the magnetic field produced by an electromagnet is directly proportional to the electric current flowing through it.

What do scientists think causes magnetism?

Magnetism is caused by the movement of electrical charges within atoms, specifically the alignment of electrons spinning in the same direction. This alignment creates a magnetic field that can attract or repel other magnetic materials. The overall magnetic properties of a material depend on the arrangement and movement of its electrons.

Magnetism depends on the arrangement of what?

Magnetism depends on the arrangement of atoms within a material. When atoms are aligned in the same direction, they create a magnetic field. The alignment of these magnetic moments determines the material's magnetic properties.

What type of particle is responsible for magnetism?

Basically, any magnetism is caused by moving electrical charges - that is, by electrical currents.In an electromagnet, a current is made to flow through a conductor. This causes magnetism, but when the current is switched off, there is no more magnetism.In a permanent magnet, the magnetism is caused by the electrons spinning around the atoms. In some materials, like iron, it is possible for atoms to become aligned, in the sense that more will have their axis of rotation point in one direction than in the other. These atoms cause the magnetism, then. In a regular material, every atom is a tiny magnet, but due to the random positions of the individual atoms, these tend to cancel each other on a large scale.

What are two ways that electric charage can be produced?

1. By friction. 2. by magnetism

Is polarization the source of magnetism?

No, polarization is not the source of magnetism. Magnetism is caused by the alignment of magnetic moments in a material, while polarization refers to the separation of positive and negative charges in a material. Magnetism arises from the movement of electrons in atoms and their alignment in a magnetic field.

Are radioactive isotopes produced when atoms lose electrons?

When atoms lose electrons cations are produced.