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Q: What organs does alkaloids affect?
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How do alkaloids affect insect herbivores?

They cross nerve signals in the insects.

What can affect organs?

Diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, yeasts or parasites can affect organs.

What sensory organs does HIV affect?

HIV, if untreated, has the potential to affect all body organs.

What organs do a slipped disc affect?

Doesn't really affect the organs. It is a painful spine injury to your backbone.

Alkaloids usually have what kind of taste?

Alkaloids typically have a bitter taste.

What does the organs influenced by hormones are called?

They are the target organs. Hormones act on the target organs

How does drinking affect you physically?

when your underage and drinlking it affects your organs because there not fully developed and it can affect yoor organs long term

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the mouth

What organs affect diverticulitis?

The Colon

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What organs does sugar affect?

the liver