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Some examples of organisms that reproduce internally include mammals, birds, insects, and some reptiles. These organisms typically have specialized reproductive structures, such as reproductive organs or egg sacs, that allow for internal fertilization and development of offspring before birth or hatching.

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Q: What organisms reproduce internally?
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What does reproduce internally mean?

Make babies inside the body

What do organisms need in order to reproduce?

Organisms need access to a mate for sexual reproduction or the ability to produce offspring asexually. They also require the necessary resources such as food, water, and shelter to support the growth and development of offspring. In some cases, specific environmental conditions or cues may be necessary to trigger the reproductive process.

Is a deer reproduce sexually or asexually?

As a mammal, a deer would be reproduced internally.

What do animals possess what can help them reproduce?

There are a great number of characteristics that animals posses that can help them reproduce. The ability to fertilize internally is one of them.

HOW DO most organisms reproduce?

most organisms reproduce sexually like all mammals, humans, and some invertabres