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those are green plants. They have chlorophyl for food production.

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Q: What organisms contain chloroplasts to help with food production?
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Which organisms contain chloroplasts to help with food production?

it is about green plants. They contain chloroplasts for photosynthesis.

Can the light shining on a flower effect how it grows?

Not really, flowers do not contain chloroplasts and have no function in the production of food for the plant.

Do chloroplasts producing food?

Yes it involves in food production. It carries out photosynthesis for food production

What type of organisms can use the engergy from the sun to make their own food?

Organisms that produce their own energy using sunlight are photosynthetic organisms. These are plants or other organisms that contain chloroplasts.

Does fungi contain chloroplasts?

No, they don't. Because fungus does not contain chloroplasts, they cannot make their own food by photosynthesis.

Why do only plant cells have chloroplasts?

Chloroplasts are organelles found in plant cells because plants are photosynthetic organisms that use chloroplasts to convert sunlight into energy through photosynthesis. Animal cells do not have chloroplasts because they do not carry out photosynthesis and obtain energy through other means, such as consuming other organisms.

What has cell walls that contain chitin but do not contain chloroplasts or produce their own food?

Fungi have cell walls containing chitin but do not have chloroplasts for photosynthesis. Instead of producing their own food through photosynthesis, fungi are heterotrophic, obtaining nutrients by absorbing organic matter from their environment.

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What is shared between algae and seed plants?

Both algae and seed plants are photosynthetic organisms that produce their own food through photosynthesis. They both contain chlorophyll and other pigments that help capture sunlight for energy production. Additionally, both groups of organisms can reproduce sexually and asexually.

Does the animal cell contain chloroplast?

No, animal cells do not contain chloroplasts. Chloroplasts are specific to plant cells and are responsible for photosynthesis, while animal cells rely on other organelles for energy production.

What do green plants contain so they can make there Owen food?


Why do all plants contain chloroplasts?

Not all plants contain chloroplasts, as some parasitic plants have lost the ability to photosynthesize. However, most plants do contain chloroplasts because they are the organelles responsible for photosynthesis, which is the process that allows plants to convert sunlight into energy. This process is essential for the plant's survival and growth.