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Enzymes are proteins, so the answer to what organelled does protein synthesis is ribosomes. The coding information on the DNA is translated into mRNA in the nucleus. This mRNA, after being processes, travels out of the nucleus to join with some mRNA to become a ribosome, which will change (with the help of tRNA) all this information into a chain of amino acids which ultimately becomes a protein.

However, if what you are asking is what organelle does the enzymatic reactions inside a cell, the answer's quite different. The main organelle that does that is the lysosomes. Other organelles that also does similar functions are a group called microbodies, which include peroxisomes, glyoxisomes, and glycosomes.

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salivary glands do which makes your food like liquid

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9y ago

This is a protein and proteins are produced by ribosomes. Most likely the RER would be the best answer.

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