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Q: What organelle has different DNA than the rest of the cell?
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Related questions

How is a organ different than an organelle?

An organ is assembly of tissues whereas an organelle is a component of the cell

Is a cell larger than a organelle?

No an organelle is a structure within a cell. It cannot be larger than the cell it is inside of.

What is smaller than a cell?

an organelle

Are organelle smaller than a cell?


What organelle would be indicative of a plant cell rather than a animal cell?

A chloroplast.

What organelle would be indicative of a plant cell rather than an animal cell?

A chloroplast would be indicative of a plant cell rather than an animal cell. Chloroplasts are responsible for photosynthesis, converting sunlight into glucose, and are found in plant cells but not in animal cells.

An organ is one organizational step lower than an a. system b. organelle c. cell d. tissue?

b. organelle

Why is cell mini universe?

a cell is a mini universe because their are only a few things in a cell than other organelle's?

What is the largest organelle in plant's?

The largest organelle in a plant cell is typically the central vacuole. This organelle is responsible for storing water, nutrients, and waste products. It also helps to maintain turgor pressure, which gives structural support to the plant cell.

What is the largest organelle in a cell?

The largest organelle in your body is the Nucleus. However, this is only in an animal cell, as the large central vacuole present in plant cells is larger than the nucleus and takes up much of the space available in a plant cell.

Is an organ bigger than an organelle?

no. an organelle is made of molecules. it is called an organelle because it is a group of molecules working together to preform a function/process.

Which is smaller a cell organelle or an atom?

An atom is smaller than a cell organelle. Atoms are the basic building blocks of all matter and are much smaller in size compared to cell organelles, which are specialized structures within a cell that perform specific functions.