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That would be the kidney

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15y ago
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11y ago

The system that is primarily responsible for the removal of liquid waste from the blood is the urinary system.

Other parts or systems of the human body assisting in the removal of liquid waste from the blood are:

the integumentary system (skin) and the

respiratory system (lungs and sinuses).

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6y ago

Excretory system excretes liquid waste from the body. Interestingly the only liquid waste excreted by the excretory system is water. At least I do not know other liquid waste that is excreted by the kidneys. All other wastes are dissolved in the urine and they are solid. Skin and lungs also contribute in this job.

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3mo ago

The kidneys filter waste products and excess fluids from the blood to form urine, which is then transported to the bladder and eventually expelled from the body through urination.

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13y ago

Lymphoid system, but if by "outside" you mean outside of the body, then it is the urinary system and not the lymphoid system.

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13y ago

The Urinary System

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12y ago

The kidney.!

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13y ago

The endocrine system.

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Q: Removes liquid wastes from blood and transports them to outside?
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What removes liquid and wastes from blood and transports them to the outside of the body?

Urinary system

What system removes liquid and wastes from blood and transports them to the outside of the body?


What body system removes liquid and wastes from the blood and transports them to the outside of the body?

The urinary system or renal system removes liquid and waste from the blood and transports them to the outside of the body. The kidneys remove waste, from the blood, which travels down the ureters into the bladder from where it passes through the urethra as urine.

What system transports liquid wastes to outside?

the urinary system

What removes liquid waste from the body?

The excretory (urinary) system removes liquid wastes from the body

System removing solid and liquid wastes?

The excretory system removes liquid wastes.

Removes liquid and solid wastes from the body?

Urinary system.

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Which body system removes liquid and gaseous wastes from the body?

The Excretory system gets rid of wastes.

How waste products are removed from body?

They (wastes) are removed from your body in several ways. Exhalation removes carbon dioxide; urination removes wastes in liquid forms, defecation removes sold wastes, sweating removes toxins, and sneezing and coughing can remove irritants and foreign materials.

Which body system removes liquid and gas wastes from the body?

Respiratory system

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it packages and transports wastes and other things outside the cell