yes Jessica Origliasso and Lisa Origliasso are bisexual. Jessica (Jess) is more into guys then her sister Lisa who is more into girls.
Skeletal muscle cells are responsible for voluntary movement of the body. Cardiac muscle cells make up the heart and are involved in pumping blood throughout the body. Smooth muscle cells are found in walls of internal organs and play a role in involuntary movements like digestion and blood vessel constriction.
Smooth muscle cells are found in the Animal Kingdom, specifically in the subcategory of the Eukaryota domain and Animalia kingdom. They are part of the muscular system of animals and play a role in various physiological functions, such as regulating organ contractions and blood flow.
Cardiac muscle has what is known as intercalated disks. These connect heart muscle cells to each other, which allows an impulse (contraction) to move through the heart synchronously and therefore beat as it should.
Accessory organs include the liver, pancreas, gallbladder, and salivary glands. These organs assist in the process of digestion by producing enzymes and substances that aid in breaking down food and absorbing nutrients. They do not come into direct contact with food but play essential roles in supporting the digestive process.
The lymphatic system contains tonsils. Tonsils are small lymphoid organs located at the back of the throat that play a role in the immune system by helping to fight off infections.
Cardiac which is involuntary and striated muscle tissueInvoluntaryThe heart is composed of cardiac muscle tissue. This type of tissue contracts rhythmically without external stimulus. Each cell will have it's own pulse until it comes into contact with another cardiac muscle cell, then they will synchronize their movements with each other. Over all the heart automatically responds to your bodies need for increased oxygen by speeding up, then slowing back down as the need is satisfied.Cardiac muscle.Cardiac muscle tissue.cardiac muscle.The muscle in the heart is cardiac muscle. Cardiac muscle is a striated involuntary muscle tissue.Cardiac muscle, which is involuntary striated muscle.Cardiac muscle is found.Cardiac Muscle is found in the heart.Cardiac muscleThat would be cardiac, its only found in your heart.I only know one, but its the septum.cardiacCardiac muscle.Its called the cardiac muscle. Or it is the involuntary muscle. the cardiac muscle which is the muscle that can play a part in cardiac arrestThe (cardiac muscle) which is the involuntary muscle which you cannot control-Deontae cHeart muscles are long, striated, involuntary and fatigueless muscles. They are known as cardiac muslces. The heart is an organ as well as a muscle.cardiac muscleThe heart is made of cardiac muscle. It is involuntary muscle. That means that a person can not make it work by thinking about it. There are two other types. One is smooth muscle, which has no visible striations and it also involuntary. This is found in arteries and the walls of the digestive, urinary, other hollow organs and respiratory tracts and the irises of the eye. The last type is voluntary muscles such as found int muscles that move your bones. The heart is a MUSCLE.
Cardiac muscle fibres contain GAP JUNCTION in the intercalated disc which makes them to function as a FUNCTIONAL SYNCYTIUM
Troponin I (TnI) and troponin T (TnT) are proteins found in cardiac muscle cells. They both play a role in regulating muscle contraction. TnI is specific to cardiac muscle, while TnT can be found in both cardiac and skeletal muscle. In the context of heart attacks, TnI is more specific and sensitive for detecting cardiac muscle damage compared to TnT.
Cardiac muscle is the foundation of the heart. Cardiac muscle is an involuntary muscle meaning that it works on its own. You engage it like you would an arm or a let. The cardiac muscle has a built in system allowing it to be virtually fatigue resistant. This is because cardiac muscle is loaded with mitochondria which are a cell's power house or power plant.
Striations in cardiac muscle help with the coordinated contraction of the heart, allowing it to pump blood effectively. These striations are made up of organized protein filaments that enable the muscle fibers to contract in a synchronized manner, ensuring efficient and powerful heartbeats.
The nuclei in cardiac muscle cells play a crucial role in regulating the cell's functions, such as protein synthesis and gene expression. They help maintain the cell's structure and function, allowing the heart to contract and pump blood effectively.
Skeletal muscle cells are responsible for voluntary movement of the body. Cardiac muscle cells make up the heart and are involved in pumping blood throughout the body. Smooth muscle cells are found in walls of internal organs and play a role in involuntary movements like digestion and blood vessel constriction.
Smooth muscle cells are found in the Animal Kingdom, specifically in the subcategory of the Eukaryota domain and Animalia kingdom. They are part of the muscular system of animals and play a role in various physiological functions, such as regulating organ contractions and blood flow.
Cardiac muscle has what is known as intercalated disks. These connect heart muscle cells to each other, which allows an impulse (contraction) to move through the heart synchronously and therefore beat as it should.
Calcium slow channels, also known as L-type calcium channels, play a crucial role in regulating the duration of cardiac muscle contraction. Activation of these channels leads to an influx of calcium ions into the cardiac muscle cells, which triggers contraction. Inhibition of these channels can result in decreased contractility and lengthening of the contraction phase of the heart muscle.
Excitable cells, such as neurons and muscle cells, have the ability to generate electrical signals called action potentials in response to stimuli. These cells play a crucial role in transmitting signals within the nervous system and facilitating muscle contractions.
muscular system,nervous system, skeletal and respiratory system