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the court ruled that the law's reference to prayer made it an unconstitutional endorsement of religion

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The Supreme Court has ruled that official prayers or religious practices organized by public schools are unconstitutional because they violate the principle of separation of church and state. However, students are allowed to pray individually or in groups as long as it is not disruptive to the school environment.

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Q: What on are the court ruiling on prayer in school?
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The US Supreme Court follows the doctrine of the separation of church and state in deciding school prayer cases. This doctrine, derived from the First Amendment of the US Constitution, prohibits the government from establishing or promoting a specific religion. The Court has consistently ruled that organized prayer or religious activities in public schools violate this principle.

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It means that the school is a Christian school, and that prayer is part of the curriculum of the school. In point of fact it is the most important of all the teachings of the school. Whatever else you learn in school it will not get you to heaven, prayer on the other hand will certainly help you along the way.

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Why was the religious right upset with some of president Reagan's supreme court appointments?

They struck down a school prayer law

Why did Justice John Paul Stevens ban prayer in school?

Justice Stevens didn't ban prayer in school; the US Supreme Court took that action in Engel v. Vitale, 370 U.S. 421 (1962), before Stevens joined the Court in 1975. Justice Hugo Black wrote the opinion in that case.The Supreme Court heard a similar case, Wallace v. Jaffree,472 US 38 (1985), in which Alabama law permitted public school teachers to lead prayer sessions and teach religion during the school day. In a 6-3 decision, the Court determined the state law was unconstitutional under the First Amendment Establishment Clause. Justice Stevens wrote the majority opinion in Jaffree, but was only one of the six who voted to overturn the Alabama law.The reason the Court disallows organized prayer in public school is that it violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, which holds the government cannot promote religion. Because schools receive federal funds, they must also uphold the Establishment Clause. Private schools that do not receive money from the US government are under no such restriction and can conduct prayer without fear of intervention.For more information about the Supreme Court's position on prayer in public schools, see Related Questions, below.

Is it legal to have school prayer?

No. Not in public school at least.

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What does organized prayer in public school violate?

Organized prayer in public school violates the First Amendment Establishment Clause.

Why was the Lord's prayer taken out of the schools?

The Supreme Court ruled that school-sponsored prayer, including the recitation of the Lord's Prayer, violated the First Amendment's Establishment Clause, which prohibits government endorsement of religion. As a result, organized prayer was deemed unconstitutional in public schools to maintain the separation of church and state.