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Q: What of these elements would be assigned the highest electronegativity value?
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What element has the highest electronegilivity value?

Fluorine has the highest electronegativity value of all elements.

Does francium or phosphorus or copper or sodium have the highest electronegativity?

Among the four elements listed, phosphorus has the highest electronegativity. Electronegativity is a measure of an atom's ability to attract and hold onto electrons, and phosphorus has a higher electronegativity value compared to francium, copper, and sodium.

What is the element with the highest electronegativity value called?

Fluorine is the element with the highest electronegativity value.

What is the exact value of Fluorine's Electronegativity on Pauling's Scale?

The exact value of Fluorine's electronegativity on Pauling's scale is 3.98. It is the highest value of electronegativity on the scale, indicating Fluorine's strong ability to attract electrons towards itself in a chemical bond.

What is the electronegativity of oxygen compared to other elements?

Oxygen has a higher electronegativity compared to most other elements, with a value of 3.44 on the Pauling scale. This high electronegativity is due to oxygen's strong attraction for electrons, making it one of the most electronegative elements on the periodic table.

Element with greatest electronegativity?

Electronegativity is kind of a "made-up" thing as opposed to an actual quantity that can be experimentally measured. Fluorine is usually considered to have the highest electronegativity, though the precise value depends on exactly what definition and scale you're using and for "spectroscopic electronegativity" neon actually has the highest electronegativity of all.

Which atom has the largest electronegativity value?

Fluorine has the largest electronegativity value among all the elements.

How does fluorine electronegativity compare to the electronegativity of oxygen and chlorine?

Fluorine has the highest electronegativity of all the elements, with a value of 3.98. Oxygen has an electronegativity of 3.44, while chlorine has an electronegativity of 3.16. This means that fluorine is the most electronegative, followed by oxygen, and then chlorine.

Which of the period three elements has the largest electronegativity?

Chlorine has the largest electronegativity among the period three elements.

What is the electronegativity of argon?

Argon is a noble gas, so it does not have a defined electronegativity value as it does not typically form chemical bonds with other elements.

What is the numerical value of fluorine?

The numerical value of fluorine is 9 on the periodic table.

How does fluorine's electronegativity compare to the electronegativity of oxygen and chlorine?

Fluorine has the highest electronegativity among these three elements, making it the most electronegative element. Oxygen has the second highest electronegativity after fluorine, followed by chlorine. Electronegativity measures an atom's ability to attract electrons in a chemical bond.