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The Prime Meridian runs through the Atlantic Ocean, intersecting both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. It also passes through parts of Europe and Africa, specifically the United Kingdom, France, Spain, Algeria, Mali, and Ghana.

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Q: What oceans and land intersect with the prime meridian?
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Is there land at 20 south latitude and the prime meridian?

Here is a list of continents, seas and oceans that the Prime Meridian passes.Continents:AntarcticaAfricaEuropeSeas:Greenland SeaNorweigian SeaNorth SeaMediterranean SeaGulf of GuineaOceans:Arctic OceanAtlantic OceanSouthern Ocean

What is the southermost country located on the prime meridian?

The southernmost land crossed by the Prime Meridian is the Antarctic continent, but there are no countries there. The southernmost country on the Prime Meridian is Ghana.

Which continent has land in each of the earths hemispheres?

Africa is the only continent that has land in all four hemispheres—Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western. The Prime Meridian and the Equator intersect in Africa, dividing the continent into these hemispheres.

Is Greenwich meridian an ocean longitude?

No, the Greenwich Meridian is a prime meridian line that runs through Greenwich, London. It is used as the reference point for the measurement of longitudes. It is not located in the ocean, but on land.

Which line show is how land is divided into countries?

Prime Meridian

Where is zero degreslatitude and zero degrees longitude?

Where the Equator and the Greenwich meridian intersect. This point of intersection is not on land, it is in the Atlantic Ocean in the gulf of Guinea.

Which continent with land is in all four hemispheres?

Africa is the only continent that is situated in all four hemispheres: Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western hemispheres. The Prime Meridian and Equator intersect in Africa, dividing the continent into four sections, each in a different hemisphere.

What is the largest land area both west of the Prime Meridian and entirely north of the Equator?

I think most folks would accept the North American continent as a good answer to that question, even though a little piece of Alaska's Aleutian Islands does tail off across the 180 meridian and into the eastern Hemisphere.

Any location with a longitude reading west of the prime meridian is in the?

any location with a longitude reading east of the prime meridian is in the what

Where is the Prime Meridien?

The Prime Meridian, which is the line of 0 degrees longitude, runs through Greenwich, London, England. It is used as the starting point for measuring longitude and dividing the Eastern and Western Hemispheres.

What is the largest area of land west of the Prime Meridian and North of the Equator?

North America, which has a total area of 24,709,000 km2 (9,540,000 mi2).

Countries located on the prime meridian?

The Prime Meridian crosses parts of England, France, Spain, Algeria, Mali,Burkina Faso, Togo, and Ghana. You can't get any nearer than that.