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Q: What new methods and ways of thinking arose during the scientific revolution?
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What characteristic universities made them very attractive to scientists during the scientific revolution?

Physical demonstrations made universities very attractive to scientists during the scientific revolution

What was the relationship between the scientific revolution and the enlightenment?

The Scientific Revolution laid the foundation for the Enlightenment by promoting empirical observation, reason, and scientific method as sources of knowledge. This shift in thinking led to a greater emphasis on human reason, skepticism of traditional authority, and a focus on individual rights and freedoms during the Enlightenment.

What was Copernicus role in the renaissance?

Nicolaus Copernicus was a Renaissance mathematician and astronomer who proposed the heliocentric theory, which stated that the Earth revolved around the Sun. This theory marked a significant shift in scientific thinking and challenged the geocentric view of the universe held for centuries. Copernicus's work laid the foundation for the Scientific Revolution that followed.

Why were many scientists drawn to universities during the scientific revolution?

Universities would allow scientists to investigate their theories even if they contradicted Catholic teachings.

What was john harvey's discorvery during the scientific revolution?

John Harvey discovered the circulation of blood within the body during the Scientific Revolution. This groundbreaking finding revolutionized the understanding of human anatomy and was documented in his book "Anatomical Treatise on the Movement of the Heart and Blood in Animals" published in 1628. Harvey's discovery laid the foundation for modern physiology and medicine.

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What new methods were practiced during the scientific revolution?

the main change was:doubt everything unless you can prove it. this now forms the basis of scientific methods

What is an important similarity between the way scientists were thinking during the scientific revolution and the way philosophers were thinking during the enlightenment?

Both scientists during the scientific revolution and philosophers during the Enlightenment were focused on using reason and empirical evidence to understand the world around them. They both emphasized the importance of critical thinking, questioning traditional beliefs, and advocating for progress through knowledge and reason.

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During the Scientific Revolution scientists began using what?

The Scientific Method :)

Was the Scientific Revolution during the Renaissance?

The Scientific Revolution occurred after the Renaissance, starting in the 16th century and continuing into the 17th century. It was characterized by a shift in thinking towards a more empirical and experimental approach to understanding the natural world, leading to significant advancements in fields such as astronomy, physics, and biology.

How is the scientific revolution connected to the enlightenment?

Connections to Scientific Revolution: The Enlightenment was a program to reform political, economic, and social aspects of European life by using the Scientific method established during the Scientific Revolution. The movement was based on the discoveries and knowledge of the Scientific Revolution.

What characteristic universities made them attractive to scientist during the scientific revolution?

Physical demonstrations made universities very attractive to scientists during the scientific revolution

What characteristic of universities made them attractive to scientist during the scientific revolution?

Physical demonstrations made universities very attractive to scientists during the scientific revolution

What were the scientific tools developed during the Scientific Revolution?

Barometer,microscope and the thermometer

What characteristics of universities made them very attracted to scientists during the scientific revolution?

Physical demonstrations made universities very attractive to scientists during the scientific revolution

What characteristic universities made them very attractive to scientists during the scientific revolution?

Physical demonstrations made universities very attractive to scientists during the scientific revolution

What was the impact of Humanism on the Scientific Revolution?

Humanism played a crucial role in the Scientific Revolution by promoting the importance of reason, observation, and a questioning attitude towards traditional beliefs. Humanist scholars encouraged the study of classical texts, fostering an environment that laid the groundwork for scientific inquiry and experimentation. This emphasis on critical thinking and empirical evidence in humanism helped pave the way for the advancements in science during the Scientific Revolution.