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Q: What nearby oceans are near to Pinatubo?
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What effect do oceans have on the temperatures of nearby land areas?

Oceans cause the land masses near by to have more moderate temperatures. (Cooler summers and warmer winters.)

What is Pinatubo inNorthern or southern hemisphere?

Mount Pinatubo, near the former Clarke Air Force base, in the Phillipines, is in the Northern, as is all of the country.

Does china have oceans near by?

yes china has oceans near by

What is the name of the volcano near the air force base in manila?

Mt. Pinatubo

Is nearby an adverb or preposition?

Nearby is either an adjective or an adverb. (a nearby hotel, she works nearby) The word used as a preposition is "near" (near the city)

Where is Mt Pinatubo and why it is there?

it is in the philipines near is there because the tectonc plates created it naturally.

Why do so many people live near mount Pinatubo?

They live near Mt.pinatubo because around the area the soil are good for farming

How did scientist predict the eruption of the mount Pinatubo volcano?

Scientists predicted the eruption of Mount Pinatubo by monitoring various volcanic precursors, such as increased seismic activity, deformation of the volcano's surface, and gas emissions. These signs allowed researchers to forecast the eruption and issue warnings to evacuate nearby communities.

Mt Pinatubo will erupt in the near future?

yes,actually every volcano erupts on the right time

What continent is Mount Pinatubo in?

Asia-in the South-east country of the Phillipines.