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Q: What natural factors cause a change in pH levels?
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Which is not a natural cause of climatic change?

Human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation are not natural causes of climatic change. These activities release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, leading to the enhanced greenhouse effect and global warming.

What are two natural factors caused by nature that can cause extinctions?

climate change and asteroid impact

What has been the major cause of the change in carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere?

The major cause of the increase in carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere is the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas for energy. This releases large amounts of carbon dioxide that would otherwise remain trapped underground, contributing to the greenhouse effect and global warming.

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What can cause ecosystems to change including natural disasters

Identify two factors that could cause enzyme denaturation?

Extreme temperatures and pH levels outside of the enzyme's optimal range are two factors that could cause enzyme denaturation. Additionally, exposure to certain chemicals or heavy metals can also lead to enzyme denaturation.

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what are the six that cause a change in supply

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Weathering and erosion cause exposed land to change.

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The levels of hormones in the body can vary depending on stress, infections, fluid levels, and mineral balance.

What factors generally cause mass extinction?

Factors that generally cause mass extinction include natural disasters (such as asteroid impacts or volcanic eruptions), climate change, environmental changes, and human activities like deforestation, pollution, and habitat destruction. These factors can disrupt ecosystems and lead to the widespread extinction of various species.

Why the size of the flame change?

The size of a flame can change due to fluctuations in the fuel supply, oxygen levels, or heat output of the flame. Variations in these factors can cause the flame to grow larger or smaller. Additionally, factors such as air currents or impurities in the fuel can also impact the size of the flame.

What are the Factors that can cause a change in supply?

In most models, the factors that can cause a change in supply include: 1) Change in the capital stock. 2) Change in the labour stock. 3) Change in the level of technology. 4) Change is utilisation rates of capital and labour.

What will cause a change in plasma ketone?

When insulin levels ate decreased.