We also need to know the longitude to position your "nation" on the planet because the 20 degrees north latitude goes right round the planet.
what nation is 62 degrees north latitude and 15 degrees east longitude
There is no land located at 130 degrees north latitude as this would be in the Arctic Ocean. The North Pole is the point located at 90 degrees north latitude.
what nation is 62 degrees north latitude and 15 degrees east longitude
There are 2 major lines of latitude located north of the equator. The Tropic of Cancer is located at 23.5 degrees north latitude while the Arctic Circle is located at 66.5 degrees north latitude.
what nation is 62 degrees north latitude and 15 degrees east longitude
There is no land located at 130 degrees north latitude as this would be in the Arctic Ocean. The North Pole is the point located at 90 degrees north latitude.
what nation is 62 degrees north latitude and 15 degrees east longitude
There are 2 major lines of latitude located north of the equator. The Tropic of Cancer is located at 23.5 degrees north latitude while the Arctic Circle is located at 66.5 degrees north latitude.
The Philippines.
Probably iceland
what nation is 62 degrees north latitude and 15 degrees east longitude