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Transition metals

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The series of ten elements filling the 3d sublevel is called the transition metals. These elements are known for their ability to form multiple oxidation states and their characteristic colored compounds.

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Q: What name is given to the series of ten elements in which the electrons are filling the 3d sublevel?
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The energy sublevel being filled by the elements Ce to Lu is the 4f sublevel. These elements are part of the lanthanide series and have their outermost electrons entering the 4f orbital.

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Electrons being added to the 4f orbitals are part of the lanthanide series of elements. These elements have atomic numbers ranging from 57-71 and their electrons are filling the 4f sublevel. This filling of the 4f orbitals gives rise to the unique properties of the lanthanide elements.

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The first transition series includes the filling of the 3d sublevel orbitals in transition metal elements from Scandium (Sc) to Zinc (Zn). These elements gradually fill the 3d orbital with electrons as they progress across the period, leading to the formation of various oxidation states and colorful compounds due to the presence of partially filled d orbitals.

An element whose highest occupied s sublevel and a nearby f sublevel generally contain electrons?

This description fits elements in the lanthanide and actinide series of the periodic table. These elements have their highest occupied s sublevel and a nearby f sublevel containing electrons due to the electron configurations in their atoms.

Where is the f region of the periodic table?

The f-block elements are located at the bottom of the periodic table in the lanthanides and actinides series, also known as the inner transition metals. These elements have their valence electrons in the f sublevel.

Which sublevel corresponds to the transition metals in the periodic table?

Most scientists describe a "transition metal" as any element in the d-block of the periodic table, which includes groups 3 to 12 on the periodic table. The f-block 'lanthanide and actinide' series are also considered transition metals and are called "inner transition metals".

When do D orbitals start gettin filled?

D orbitals start to get filled after the 3p orbitals in the periodic table. They are typically filled after filling the 4s orbital, as the 3d orbitals are the next to be filled in the transition metal series.

Lanthanide and actinide series do not start with lanthanum and actinium explain?

The lanthanide series starts with cerium because it was discovered before lanthanum. The actinide series starts with thorium because it has similar chemical properties to actinium. So, lanthanum and actinium do not come first in their respective series due to historical reasons related to the discovery of elements.

What do elements have across a series have the same number of?

Elements across a series have the same number of electron shells.

What are the three orbitals in a P sublevel?

The s sub-level can hold a maximum of two electrons; , p a maximum of 6; d, a maximum of 10 and f, a maximum of 14 (although the f sub-level is only present in the lanthanide and actanide series).

What is the maxium number of electrons in sublevel f?

It depends on which subshell you're speaking of.. remember the the Lewis Structures? Well the 1st subshell will have 2 electrons 2nd Subshell : 8 e- 3rd : 18 e- 4th : 32 e- Above that I've never had to do any structures with more than 4 subshells and even those are VERY rare and I'm doing Uni chem. Hope this helps a bit. peace