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Contour map

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Q: What name is given to a statistical graph that is embellished with additional art work?
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What is a biodiversity graph and what information would you put in one?

The biodiversity graph depicts the variability of species in the given area.

How do you find the no automorphisms for a given graph?

One way to find the number of automorphisms for a given graph is to use computational tools like graph isomorphism algorithms, such as Nauty or Bliss. These algorithms can efficiently explore the graph's symmetry to count the automorphisms. Another method is to manually list all possible permutations of the graph's vertices and check which ones preserve the graph's structure, although this method becomes impractical for large graphs.

How does a graph of average kinetic energy against kelvin temperature show that the quantities are proportional?

This sounds suspiciously like statistical thermodynamics, a graduate-level chemistry/physics class. You're probably best off consulting a good text, like McQuarrie's Statistical Thermodynamics.

How do you develop the general velocity equation from a Velocity vs Time graph?

To develop the general velocity equation from a velocity vs. time graph, you can determine the slope of the graph at any given point, which represents the acceleration. Integrating the acceleration with respect to time gives you the velocity equation that relates velocity to time. The integration constant can be determined using initial conditions or additional information from the graph.

How do you go from a position graph to a velocity graph?

To go from a position graph to a velocity graph, you can calculate the slope of the position graph at each point. The slope at any given point on a position vs. time graph represents the velocity at that specific time. Therefore, the velocity graph would be a plot of the slopes at each point on the position graph.

Related questions

What name is given to a statistical graph that plots three or more related quantities simultaneously?

A multivariate graph.

What name is given to a statistical graph where a quantity is represented by a curve and has the same value everywhere along the curve?

Contour Map

What name is given to a statistical graph where a quantity is represented by a curve and has the same value everywhere along the?

A uniform probability density function.

What name is given to a statistical graph where each category has it own wedge and the wedges are displayed on top of one another?

Stack plot.

Is bar graph a statistical procedure?


What are often used to graph to show statistical comparisons?

Error bars are often used on graphs to show statistical comparisons.

What are 2 ways to organize statistical data?

line graph and histogram

What are the three basic forms of statistical presentation?

bar graph,histogram and frequency polygon are the three basic forms of statistical representation

What is Co-relational statistical procedure?

A Co-relational statistical procedure is a technique used to know the relationship between two variables or measures the closeness of two statistical data. A statistical graph is the best representation of it.

What figure here includes a statistical comparison pie chart bar graph data table graph with both bars and lines?

There is no such figure.

What is subgraph in given graph?

If all the vertices and edges of a graph A are in graph B then graph A is a sub graph of B.

What summarizes statistical data?

A table can be used, or various types of graph. Sometimes a simple sentence is enough.