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n number refers to number of chromosomes. As you know, one set of your chromosomes come from mom and one set from dad. This is the 2n condition. This condition is maintained in mitosis, as all chromosomes double and two daughter cells are formed having the complete 23 pairs, 46 chromosomes of the 2n condition. Meiosis, which means ' halving ', doubles all chromosomes which are from dad to dad and mom to mom sister chromatids. These cross over genetic material with each other and the mom to mom set and the dad to dad set are pulled to opposite poles and two daughter cells are formed. Now, phase two of meiosis begins and the pairs in each daughter cell are pulled to opposite poles and you end up with four cell with 23 chromosomes apiece in them. This is the n condition.

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It produces diploid cells.Haploid cells are produced by meiosis

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Mitosis occurs in somatic cells. The main purpose of mitosis is to create two identical cells from one single cell.

What is the number of cells resulting from mitosis?

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What are the types of cells involved with mitosis?

The main types of cells involved in mitosis are somatic cells, which are all the cells of our body except for the reproductive cells (sperm and egg cells). These somatic cells go through mitosis to produce new cells for growth, repair, and maintenance of the body.

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Hi, Mitosis produces gametes that are sex cells. Mitosis produces 2 identical cells.

How many cells are formed at the end of mitosis?

Mitosis is the cell cycle phase wherein the cell nucleus chromosomes are separated. After mitosis, two identical cells will be created.

What type of cell undergoes mitosis?

Somatic cells, or body cells, undergo mitosis. These cells divide to produce two genetically identical daughter cells for growth, repair, and maintenance of the organism.

Are the cells in mitosis genetically identical?

yes mitosis id the division of gamete cells