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Q: What must a useful model of an atom contain?
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What must a neutral atom with four protons contain?

A neutral atom must contain an equal number of electrons because it is a neutral atom.

What must every atom of carbon contain?

it must contain 6 protons, 6 electons and 6 neutrons.

What must a neutral atom with four contain?

A neutral atom with four electrons must contain four protons in the nucleus in order to maintain an overall neutral charge.

Does ethers contain oxygen?

By definition, ethers must contain at least one oxygen atom.

If an atom contains 15 protons it must contain?

Any atom should have equal number of protons and electrons. If the atom contains 15 protons then it must contain 15 electrons.

Why did Thomson think that atom must contain positive charges?

Thomson thought that the atom must contain positive charges because his discovery of electrons inside the atom indicated the presence of negatively charged particles. To balance the negative charge of electrons, there must be positive charges present within the atom.

An atom of any element must contain?

An atom of any element must contain protons, neutrons, and electrons. The number of protons in the nucleus determines the element's identity, while the neutrons and electrons help determine its stability and reactivity.

Is sulfide organic?

No. Sulfide is simply a sulfur atom with a negative charge. To be organic a compound must contain carbon.

Do any compounds exist only as an atom?

No, a single atom would have to belong to a particular element. A compound must contain two or more different types of atom that are chemically bonded (either covalently or ionically) together.

Rutherfords alpha scattering experiments showed that the charge on the nucleus of the atom must be?

The atomic nucleus is positive because contain protons.

Are protons hydrogen atoms?

No. A proton could be considered a hydrogen ion or hydrogen nucleus, but a hydrogen atom must also contain an electron.

To be useful in science a hypothesis must be?

to be useful in sciences a hypothesis must be