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6 eye muscles are controlled by 3 cranial nerves

lateral rectus-cn 6

medial rectus-cn 3

inferior oblique-cn 3

superior oblique-cn4

inferior rectus-cn 3

superior rectus-cn3


levator palpaebrae


pupillary sphincter

pupillary dilator

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14y ago
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1mo ago

The oblique muscles - superior oblique and inferior oblique - are usually involved in torsions of the eye. These muscles help to control the rotational movements of the eye and can contribute to torsional movements.

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What is the muscle involved in the rotation of the eye?

The muscle is called an 'extraocular muscle', of which there are 6 - they are relatively small,incredible strong and efficient. They are : medial rectus; superior rectus; superior oblique; lateral rectus; inferior rectus and inferior oblique.

What does the inferior oblique muscle of the eye do?

The inferior oblique muscle of the eye, abducts, elevates and laterally rotates the eye

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The iris gives the eye it's color. It is not a muscle.

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The Orbicularis oculi muscle squints the eye.

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Orbicularis oculi is a wide flat muscle that encircles the eye.

Is you eye socket a muscle?

yes you eye socket be dah pimpedist muscle in da whole bods

Is the eye an involuntary muscle?

The intrinsic muscle are involunary and respond to light intensity and required focal langth without conscious intervention. The extrinsic muscle of the eye are volunary and move the eye to look around under conscious control. The eye itself is ofcourse not a muscle at all.

What is the smallest muscle in the eye?

I think its's the scalene muscle

Name a muscle that closes the eye?

The orbicularis oculi is the muscle responsible for closing the eye. It is a sphincter muscle that surrounds the eye.

What is the name of the muscle in your eye that changes the size of your pupil?

it squishes it until it becomes so small that the naked eye can't see it. (he he he) (naked)

What muscle turns the eye inferior and medially?

The inferior rectus muscle is responsible for turning the eye downward and medially.