75 mph
It takes 51.43 seconds to travel 2,640 feet at 35 mph.
To convert Mach to mph, you can use the formula: 1 Mach equals approximately 767.269 mph. Simply multiply the Mach number by 767.269 to get the speed in miles per hour. For example, if an aircraft is traveling at Mach 2, the speed in mph would be approximately 1,534.538 mph.
167.371776 Km/h Ill tell you a cool trick go to google.com and type "104 mph to kph" and it will tell you so you can use it again.
Some aircraft, like commercial jets and fighter jets, can reach speeds up to 500 mph. Additionally, some high-speed trains and certain types of cars can also reach speeds around 500 mph.
21 mpg on highway and 14 mpg on streets and can do about 180 mph. :D
Highway at 60 mph about 15 mpg Highway at 75 mph about 12 mpg Highway pulling 15,000 lbs about 8 mpg
55 on the highway, and 30 in the city.
Going 21 mph over on a highway in Indiana will get you a fine of $154.00. The ticket fine does increase based on other conditions at the time of speeding.
As of the year 2012, Texas has the newest highway in America. This highway even allows drivers to drive 85 MPH.
45 MPH
35 mph in an urban or residential setting. 55 mph on a highway.
You can get 440 Miles on full tank driving on the Highway at 70 MPH
Depends on your speed. Interstate highway (about 70 mph): 1 hour, 8 minutes Other highway (about 60 mph): 1 hour, 20 minutes Major road (about 40 mph): 2 hours
a car going 60 mph on a busy highway
A car can go up to 75 mph in 5 seconds Answer - At 60 MPH you would travel 88 feet per second. 5 x 88 = 440 feet in five seconds.
A US highway is an all access highway, like a main road; it includes businesses, houses, and direct intersections. Top speeds on the average US highway are 55 mph. An interstate highway is a limited access highway that is meant for commute. It includes no property entrances, and interchanges at high speed. Speeds range from 65 to 75 mph (about 90 to 105 km/h).