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Q: What movement listed is NOT a movement that tectonic plates experience?
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Earthquakes occur mainly allong the edges of?

Tectonic plates and fault lines created by the movement of tectonic plates.

How have tectonic plates affected latin Americas physical geography?

Many parts of Latin America experience volcanic activity and earthquakes. This is due to the movement of five tectonic plates. The two highest mountain peaks in Mexico are volcanoes.

What records movement of tectonic plates?


Where does movement occur in earthquakes?

Tectonic plates.

What is tectonic earthquake means?

A tectonic earthquake is a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust caused by the movement of tectonic plates. These earthquakes occur at plate boundaries where plates are colliding, sliding past one another, or moving apart. The stress built up from the movement of plates is released in the form of seismic waves, causing the ground to shake.

Were do volcanoes appear the most?

Volcanoes appear most frequently along the boundaries of tectonic plates, such as the Pacific Ring of Fire, where many active volcanoes are found. These regions experience high levels of seismic and volcanic activity due to the movement and interactions of Earth's tectonic plates.

Movement of tectonic plates is not caused by?

Ocean Current.

The movement of what can form mountains and valleys?

tectonic plates

What activities can cause earthquake?

The movement of tectonic plates.

What do ocean trenches result from?

Movement of the tectonic plates.

How many tectonic plates do we have?

there are 7 huge plates but dozens of smaller plates

Is it true that rocks an be pulled apart by the movement of tectonic plates?

Yes. Tectonic plates are extremely strong and catastrophic in some cases.