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Q: What moonis three quartes of its way around earth?
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What is three quartes of a kilometer in meters?

750 meters.

What are three different ways that the earth moves?

The earth turns on its axis; it orbits around the earth-moon barycenter; it orbits around the sun.

What planet has three- fourths water?

The answer is Earth. LOOK AROUND.

Who was the first amercin to orbit earth?

John Glenn on February 20, 1961. He went around the earth three times.

What three thing that are the same about the moon and earth?

they are both planets and they revolve around the sun

What are the three major gases that make up the air in the atmosphere?

The three major gases in Earth's atmosphere are nitrogen (around 78%), oxygen (around 21%), and argon (around 0.9%). These gases play crucial roles in supporting life and regulating the Earth's climate.

How much is 74000 miles?

The circumference of the Earth, along the Equator, is about 24,800 miles, so 74,000 miles is about three times around the Earth.

The earth undergoes three main motions of space what are these?

The three main motions of Earth are rotation (spinning on its axis), revolution (orbiting around the Sun), and precession (wobbling like a spinning top).

How long is one year on Venus in comparison to earth years?

three hundred and forty three earth years According to the linked website, Venus takes 225 days to go around the sun.

When the moon is full where is it in its orbits around earth?

When the moon is full, it's "behind" the earth, that is, in the direction opposite the sun. The three bodies are lined up, with the earth in the middle, like this: Sun ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Earth -- Moon

When the moon is full is it in its orbit around earth?

When the moon is full, it's "behind" the earth, that is, in the direction opposite the sun. The three bodies are lined up, with the earth in the middle, like this: Sun ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Earth -- Moon