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Q: What mixture has a big amount of something and a small amount o some thing else?
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Yes, the word 'morsel' is a noun, a word for a small piece or amount of food; a mouthful; a tasty bit of food; a small piece of something; a word for a thing,

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Infinitesimally means in an exceedingly small or immeasurably minute amount. It refers to something so tiny that it approaches zero in magnitude.

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a mixture is something which is bot chemicaly bonded to another thing

What is the setting of No Small Thing?

No Small Thing Is Like if you Have Something Small You can Make it Bigger so for an Example- You have A horse Well if ou take care of You'r Horse it will grow and be No Small Thing BUT I WAS LOOKING FOR THE BOOK NO SMALL THING BUT WHAT EVER !

A small piece or part of something like a piece of glass?

A small piece or part of something is called a portion of whatever the thing is.

What does large amount of something?

A large amount of something refers to a significant quantity or volume of that particular item or element. It suggests the presence of a substantial or abundant supply of that specific thing.

What is the word for a very small amount?

The word is "trace."

What is fusion mixture?

Fusion mixture is used to fuse thing like a tiger and a lion to form a tigon or liger, something like that, another example is the alarm clock, fusion mixture is used to make that out of a wall clock and a bell..

Is there such thing as a pure mixture?

There is no such thing as a pure mixture. The word mixture implies that there are two or more substances mixed together.

What does meg mean?

Megabyte of memory. A pretty small thing nowadays - huge amount in 1993.

How is an element different from a mixture?

An element has one thing and a mixture has more than one thing