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Q: What mineral can block electromagnetic radiation?
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What materials can block electromagnetic radiation?

Materials such as lead, concrete, and thick metal sheets are commonly used to block electromagnetic radiation. Additionally, materials containing high amounts of copper, like copper mesh or copper foil, can also effectively block electromagnetic radiation. It is important to use materials that are thick and dense enough to provide sufficient shielding against the specific frequency of electromagnetic radiation you are trying to block.

What is a packet of electromagnetic radiation called?

The packet of electromagnetic radiation is the photon.

What is transferred by electromagnet waves?

Electromagnetic radiation is transferred by electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic radiation is a fundamental phenomenon of electromagnetism.

What type of wave is radiation?

EM radiation is short for electromagnetic radiation. It is a wave in the electric and magnetic fields.EM radiation is short for electromagnetic radiation. It is a wave in the electric and magnetic fields.EM radiation is short for electromagnetic radiation. It is a wave in the electric and magnetic fields.EM radiation is short for electromagnetic radiation. It is a wave in the electric and magnetic fields.

What is traveling medium of radiation?

Electromagnetic Radiation requires no medium. Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation, and it can traverse the stars.

Electromagnetic radiation is a transverse wave?

Yes, electromagnetic radiation does travel as a transverse wave

Which form of electromagnetic radiation is visible?

Visible light is a form of electromagnetic radiation that is visible.

Is electromagnetic radiation infrared radiation?

Yes, electromagnetic radiation includes infrared radiation, which has longer wavelengths than visible light. Infrared radiation is not visible to the human eye but can be felt as heat. It is part of the electromagnetic spectrum, which encompasses all forms of electromagnetic radiation.

What things are electromagnetic radiation emitting from?

Electromagnetic radiation is emitted from many different things. Some of the things that emit electromagnetic radiation are microwaves, x-rays and radios.

What produce electromagnetic radiation?

in physics, electromagnetic radiation occurs when charged particles have forces acting on them to accelerate them. Electrons are responsible for the force needed to create electromagnetic radiation.

How are electromagnetic waves transfered?

Electromagnetic waves are transferred by electromagnetic radiation.

What small objects generate electromagnetic radiation?

Electron release electromagnetic radiation when they lose energy.