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A magma is injected into a volcano's Plumbing the first thing you see is inflation of the land/volcano surface, this would be accompanied by earthquakes and low frequency harmonic sounds caused by the flow of magma through the volcano's passages (like a Flute). There would then be the release of gasses from the vent (a phreatic eruption) as magma heats ground or surface water. This may then be followed by eruption of magma from the volcano's vent.

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Where is magma collected below a volcano?

a magma chamber

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Magma has to enter the magma chamber beneath Arenal.

How does magma chamber differ from a vent?

A Magma Chamber is a space (that can change size) at a depth below a volcano in which magma can accumulate prior to an eruption. A volcanic vent is a conduit connecting the magma chamber to the surface. It is though this that the magma flows during an eruption.

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No human endeavour could make or inject magma into a volcano. The magma found in relation to volcanoes is a natural phenomena.

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This is called the magma chamber.

A chamber underground containing magma?

A magma chamber.

How is a magma chamber formed in a volcano?

A magma chamber is formed when magma rises from deep within the Earth's mantle and collects in a reservoir beneath the volcano. As pressure builds up, this magma chamber can feed volcanic eruptions by supplying molten rock to the surface through the volcano's vent. Continued magma injection and accumulation can lead to the growth and expansion of the magma chamber over time.

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In a magma chamber

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A magma chamber in a volcano is a pool-like container of liquid rock just below the earth underground. It is constantly under tremendous pressure, and with enough time, it can start fracturing rock to make places for magma to escape.

How does the magma chamber work?

Magma Chamber: underground pocket of molten rock