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Q: What might be a disadvantage to using a knotted rope to take soundings of the depths?
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What is possible disadvantage of using a smaller contour interval?

so many lines to look on the map that you might get confused or lost.

What can you infer from studying the depths and diameters of craters on the moon?

Studying the depths and diameters of craters on the moon can provide information about the impact history of the moon, as larger and deeper craters usually result from more significant impact events. By analyzing these characteristics, scientists can infer the age of different features on the moon and better understand the frequency and size of past impact events that have shaped its surface.

How deep into Earth's surface might a very large batholith extend?

A very large batholith can extend several kilometers deep into the Earth's surface, reaching depths of 10-15 kilometers or more. Batholiths are typically comprised of intrusive igneous rocks that solidify deep within the Earth's crust.

When a cell is very thin flat or narrow it can obtain nutrients more quickly what possible disadvantage might there be to such a cell shape?

Transportation. Being flat and thin makes it like a sail when it's trying to move around. A small, compact cell can move around easier, expending less energy.

What moon of Jupiter contains a liquid ocean under its surface?

Ganymede, which is Jupiter's largest moon. A robotic probe was launched there about 4 years ago equipped with a drill, which will hopefully be able to drill through the ice covering the planet's surface and extend a probe into the freezing murky depths of Ganymede's ocean, which might just possibly reveal some primitive marine life there!!

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