

What might a physicists choose to study?

Updated: 6/3/2022
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Q: What might a physicists choose to study?
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Scientist who study the fundamental structure of matter?

Particle physicists. or Quantum Physicists or Atomic Physicists

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Physicists study light.

What are the people that study fission fusion of atoms?

Particle physicists or nuclear physicists.

The men and women who study how nuclei split study?

Nuclear Physicists.

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Chemists and physicists both study matter, but from different perspectives. Chemists study the composition, structure, properties, and changes of matter, including atoms and molecules. Physicists study the fundamental principles that govern matter and energy in the universe, exploring topics such as motion, forces, energy, and the behavior of particles at the subatomic level.

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No that is more the line of an anthropologist

The men and women who study how nuclei split are called?

nuclear physicists

What are the men and women who study the splitting of nuclei called?

- Nuclear Physicists

Who studies black holes and the particles?

Although the disciplines may overlap with others, it's safe to say that generally astronomers, physicists and astrophysicists study black holes; particle physicists study particles.

Do physicists study history?

Without a doubt physicists study the history of science. By doing so it gives them a perspective on how the sciences were developed and perhaps provides a source of new scientific areas, especially is physics, to examine.