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Reproduction involves splitting the DNA molecule, length-wise. Strands that have broken off once (and became a plasmid) are likely to break off again.
Reproduction involves splitting the DNA molecule, length-wise. Strands that have broken off once (and became a plasmid) are likely to break off again.

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Q: What method of reproduction is used in bacteria?
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Both bacteria and yeast reproduce by asexual method but how does this method differ in them?

Bacteria reproduce asexually through binary fission, where a cell divides into two identical daughter cells. Yeast reproduce asexually through budding, where a new cell develops as an outgrowth from the parent cell before detaching.

What form asexual reproduction?

Bacteria divide asexually in a method called binary fission.

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Asexual reproduction is the most commonly used method

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Asexual reproduction is the most common method of reproduction among bacteria.

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What is the mood of reproduction of bacteria?

bacteria reproduce both sexually and asexually sexual method is conjugation and asexual is binnary fission in which they devide into two every 20 min.

What organisms use fission method?

Single celled organisms, bacteria and protozoa, reproduce by fission.

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the method of reproduction of green chilli is asexual reproduction as it does not require a partner for its fertilisation.....

What is asexual reproduction in bacteria also called?

Asexual reproduction in bacteria is also called binary fission. This process involves the division of a single bacterium into two identical daughter cells.