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Industrially, nitrogen is prepard by the fractional distillation of liquid air, Air from which carbon(IV)oxide has been removed, is liquefied by subjecting it to successive compression and cooling processes.

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4mo ago

The Haber process is the predominant method used in the industrial preparation of nitrogen. This process involves the reaction of nitrogen gas with hydrogen gas to produce ammonia. The high pressure and temperature required for this reaction are achieved using a catalyst, typically iron, to increase the reaction rate.

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4y ago

nitrogen is prepared industrially by the fractional distillation of liquid air :the air is compressed untill it becomes aliquid at -200.water and carbondioxide at this tempetrature solidifies and are removed.the air is then allowed to boil at -192 and the vapour is passed up a fractionating column

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Q: What method is used in the Industrial preparation of nitrogen?
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Nitrogen is commonly used to make fertilizers, explosives, and industrial chemicals. Liquid nitrogen is also used in cryogenics for cooling and preserving biological samples.

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Iron is used as a catalyst in the Haber process, which is the industrial method for producing ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen gases. The presence of iron catalyst helps to increase the rate of the reaction and improve the yield of ammonia.

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What is the element nitrogen used in?

Nitrogen is used in fertilizers to help plants grow, in the production of ammonia for various industrial processes, as a component in explosives, and in the manufacturing of electronics.

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The Kjeldahl method is a widely used technique for determining the nitrogen content in organic compounds. It involves digesting the sample with concentrated sulfuric acid, which converts the nitrogen to ammonium sulfate. The ammonia is then distilled and collected in a solution of known acid, and the amount of nitrogen is determined by titration.

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Soda lime is used to detect the presence of nitrogen in nitrogen-containing compounds through a process called the Kjeldahl method. It is used to absorb the evolved ammonia gas during the digestion of the sample, which is then released by heating the soda lime and can be quantitatively determined. This method helps in determining the nitrogen content in organic compounds.

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Nitrogen can be fixed through biological nitrogen fixation by nitrogen-fixing bacteria, through industrial processes like the Haber-Bosch process, and through lightning in the atmosphere which converts nitrogen gas into nitrogen compounds that can be used by plants.

Two industrial gases that are not harmful?

Nitrogen and carbon dioxide are two industrial gases that are not harmful. Nitrogen is often used for inerting and blanketing applications, while carbon dioxide is commonly used in food and beverage production and refrigeration.

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When nitrogen is fixed it is changed into?

When nitrogen is fixed, it is changed into ammonia, which can then be used by plants to make proteins and other essential compounds. This process is mainly carried out by nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil or by industrial processes.