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Examples: wolfram (3422 0C), rhenium (3186 0C), osmium (3033 0C),

tantalum (3017 0C).

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Q: What metals have got a high melting point?
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What metal that is solid at room temperature has the lowest melting point?

Mercury, it is already molten at room temperature. Alkali metals also have relatively low melting points compared to most metals, e.g. melting point of potassium is 64 degree Celsius. The melting points of alkali metals decreases down Group I.

What is the Melting point of white metal?

The melting point of white metal can vary depending on the specific composition. However, in general, white metal alloys typically have melting points ranging from around 250°C to 400°C.

Has sulfur got a low melting point?

melting point is 112.8 deg C. which is pretty low when compared to others.

What is the frezing point of plastic?

-213oc i think cause i got told today in science! does anyone now the melting point

Why does nichrome get hot?

Nichrome has a high electrical resistivity.

What is the purpose of determining boiling point and melting point?

Boiling point- the temperature and pressure at which a liquid and a gas are in equilibrium. But also, it is very useful in determining the purity of a substance. If the melting point is known of the pure substance, than you can measure the melting point of what you've got and see if it matches. If the melting (or boiling) point is the same, than that is a good indication that the compound you have is what you think it is, and it is pure. If they are different from each other, that indicates that your compound is not pure.

Does an ice cube melt faster with or without salt?

Any impurity(something that does not belong to the compound but is present in the compound) has effects on the boiling and melting points of a given substance. From yahoo answers,An impurity causes the melting point to deviate from the standard. Actually, it makes the magnitude of the melting point lower. For example, the melting point of benzoic acid is 122.4 degree Celsius. When we did this in the laboratory, we got 120 degree Celsius because of the impurity present which is sodium sulfate.An impurity also causes the melting point to become a melting range. The melting point is not anymore sharp, but a range of values. The more impurities present, the greater the range of values. For example, when we purified crude acetanilide via recrystallization, we obtained a melting range of 105-116 degree Celsius. By the way, the standard melting point of acetanilide is 113-115 degree Celsius.So basically, those are the two effects that impurities have on melting point iof a pre compound. I learned that it is because the impurities "defect" the crystal lattice of the compound. A pure compound is a structure of high molecular symmetry. An impurity is rather assymetrical, or is a poorly organized structure. If the impurites are present with the pure compound, the melting point will deviate because melting point is also dependent on the high symmetry and organization of molecular structures, just as the vapor pressure. This is the principle involved in Sublimati

Is the melting point of water a physical or a chemical change?

First of all, melting point is not a change at all, so forget about classifying it as a physical or a chemical change. It's a property and it's got nothing to do with the chemical composition of water since when water melts it's chemical nature does not change. Hence melting point of water is a physical property or characteristic.

How could knowing the melting point of a substance be helpful for a scientist?

Knowing the melting point of a substance can help a scientist identify the substance, determine its purity, and predict its behavior under certain conditions. It can also be useful in quality control, material selection, and designing experiments.

What temperature does sandstone melt at?

Sandstone is a type of sedimentary rock composed mainly of sand-sized mineral particles or rock fragments. It does not have a melting point like metals or minerals, as it undergoes a process called metamorphism into a new rock type under high heat and pressure. The exact temperature at which sandstone transforms into a metamorphic rock will depend on its composition and specific conditions.

What temp will a tin can melt?

the melting point of tin (the element) is 21.23 º C Important to note that most "tin" cans are not tin. They are low carbon steel with a very thin, if any, tin plating. I'm not sure where the original answer got the melting point of tin. The actual melting point of tin is 231.93 °C or 449.47 °F. If the can is steel then it will take a much, much higher temperature to melt.

Why would melting icebergs raise ocean levels since floating ice cubes do not raise water levels when they melt?

u got a point there dude