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Q: What metals are used to make statues?
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What metal is used for making statues?

Various metals can be used for making statues, but some common ones include bronze, copper, and iron. Bronze is a popular choice for its durability, ability to hold intricate details, and resistance to corrosion. Copper is also used for its malleability and ability to form intricate designs. Iron may be used for larger statues due to its strength and lower cost compared to other metals.

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Information about soil use to make matkas and statues

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Pericles used his money on gold,ect. to make statues and buildings

What metals are used to make fans?

Steel and aluminum are used to make funs.

Which soil is used to make statues?

Marble is a type of soil used to create statues. It is a metamorphic rock that is commonly used in art and sculpture due to its smooth texture and ability to hold intricate details.

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Which two metals are most commonly used to make a knifes blade?

The two most common metals used to make knives are steel and iron.

What rocks make statues?

Statues are commonly made from marble.

What did the ancient Greeks use to make statues in their houses?

Ancient Greeks did not make any statues in their houses as you say. The statues were sculpted in workshops by highly trained sculptors. The materials they mainly used for this purpose were fine marble, which was later painted on (it's a misconception that the statues were originally colorless) and bronze. Hope i helped somehow

What metals are used to make metal screws?

Metals are used for the production of screws as they are materials with high hardness and resistance to stress.

What metals are used to make ferromagnets?

Iron, nickel, and cobalt are the most common metals used to make ferromagnets. These metals have magnetic properties that allow them to be easily magnetized and retain their magnetism.

What products can be made from gunmetal?

Gumetal, or red brass, is a mixture of several metals which can be used in a variety of applications, from weaponry to technical equipment (vales and gears), to statues and even buttons.