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Metals that are shiny and have one or two electrons in their outer level include copper, silver, and gold. These metals are known for their luster and are often used in jewelry and decorative items due to their physical properties.

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Q: What metals are shiny and have one or two electrons in their outer level?
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Why are non-metals not shiny?

Metals are shiny because their outer electrons not attached to any particular atom but are free to wander throughout the material with little resistance. This is also what makes metals conductive. So when light shines on metal it sets these free electrons into vibration so instead of energy springing from atom to atom it's reemitted as visible light. However, nonmetals may not have this property and therefore aren't shiny.

The shiny surface of metals have most to do with?

The looseness of electrons in metal atoms.

What is the definition of elements that are shiny and that conduct electricity?

Elements that are shiny and conduct electricity are called metals. These elements have a high luster, or metallic shine, and their outer electrons are free to move, allowing them to conduct electricity. Examples of shiny, metallic elements include copper, silver, and gold.

How are metals distinguished from nonmetals?

The electrons in metals move freely. This means metals are metallic i.e. Shiny due to light reflecting off electrons and malleable i.e. Bendable due to free electrons

What makes silver shiny?

Silver is shiny due to its high reflectivity of light. The outer electrons of silver atoms interact with incoming light waves, causing them to be reflected rather than absorbed. This reflection gives silver its characteristic metallic luster and shine.

What are three characteristics of alkaline earth metals?

Alkaline earth metals are the second group of the periodic table. They are shiny, silvery-white, and relatively reactive. Alkaline earth metals have two valence electrons in their outer shell and tend to form 2+ cations in chemical reactions.

Does non metals have shiny appearances?

Most non-metals do not have shiny appearances. They often have dull or non-reflective surfaces due to their lack of free electrons that can move around and reflect light. Some non-metals like iodine or graphite can appear shiny under certain conditions, but this is not common.

Why mercury is considered as metal as they are bad conductor of heat and electricity?

Mercury is considered a metal because it exhibits metallic properties such as having a shiny appearance and being malleable. Although it is a poor conductor of heat and electricity compared to other metals, it still shares other characteristics with metals such as having a high density and being solid at room temperature.

What are the elements in group 2a called?

The elements in group 2A are called alkaline earth metals. They include beryllium (Be), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), strontium (Sr), barium (Ba), and radium (Ra). They are shiny, silvery-white metals that are reactive and have two electrons in their outer shell.

Are all non-metals shiny?

Non-metals are not normally shiny.

What is the shiny appearance of metals?

There are quite a few metals that are shiny including gold. Silver and titanium are also metals that are shiny when polished.

What metals do this very well for electricity and heat?

All metals except mercury can conduct both heat and electricitythrough them very well. Metals have big pool of electrons and specially surface electrons that are easy to move can conduct electricity. All metals are shiny. All metals are ductile. Most of the metals can be mixed together to produce alloys.