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Q: What metal is similar to bismuth?
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Is Bismuth a metal or a non-metal?

Bismuth is a metal. It is a post-transition metal and is the most diamagnetic element, meaning it is a poor conductor of electricity and is typically used in cosmetics and medicines.

Is bismuth (Bi) a transition metal?

No, bismuth (Bi) is not considered a transition metal. It is classified as a post-transition metal due to its position in the periodic table.

Is bismuth a transition metal?

No, bismuth is not considered a transition metal. It is a post-transition metal in group 15 of the periodic table.

Is bismuth part of the alkali metal family?

No, bismuth is not part of the alkali metal family. Bismuth belongs to the post-transition metal group on the periodic table. Alkali metals include elements such as lithium, sodium, and potassium, which are located in Group 1 of the periodic table.

What is the state at room temperature of bismuth?

Bismuth is a solid metal at room temperature.

What is the charge on stable ion of bismuth?

The stable ion of bismuth is Bi3+ with a charge of +3.

Does bismuth conduct electricity or heat?

Yes, but it is a verypoor conductor for a metal.

Is bismuth the first basic metal on the periodic table?

No, bismuth is in the group 15 of the periodic table.

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What is the classification of bismuth?

Bismuth is classified as a metal in Group 15 (VA) of the periodic table. It is a post-transition metal and is known for its distinctive pinkish hue.

Is bismuth more metallic or less metallic than nitrogen?

Bismuth is more metallic than nitrogen; nitrogen is a gas, nonmetal and bismuth is a posttransition metal.

What type of metal has the chemical symbol bi?
