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Q: What mendel reasoned from the existence of yellow and green seed colors?
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How did The 1887 Yellow River Happen?

The Yellow River Flood happened in China and the reasoned why it happened was because it was raining too much and there is flat land so it made it easy for it to flood everywhere in that area.

What out of the primary colors what is brightest?

Among the primary colors (red, blue, and yellow), yellow is typically considered the brightest. This is because yellow has the highest luminance value compared to red and blue.

Why do the packers wear yellow pants with uniform?

There colors are yellow and green......there jerseys are green and pants yellow..because there colors are those colors.

What colors colors mix to yellow?

Red, blue and green make yellow

What are two colors that share no common colors?

the primary colors: red and blue red and yellow yellow and blue

What are the secondry colors?

The secondary colors are colors that can be made from the 3 primary colors- red, yellow, blue. The 3 secondary colors are- Green (yellow and blue), Purple (red and Blue), and orange (red and yellow). Those colors and primary colors make intermediate colors like yellow orange and blue green. In intermediate colors you must always state the primary color first.

What are primary and secondary colors?

The primary colors are "Red" "Blue" and "Yellow. The secondary colors are the colors that are made by mixing the primary colors. Examples : Blue + Red = Purple Red + Yellow = Orange Yellow + Blue = Green.

Is gold a classic color?

no, but yellow is. classic colors are red, blue, and yellow. classic colors are colors that people use to mix to make new colors. Gold is made by mixing yellow and silver.

Name the 3 primary colors that makes the secondary colors?

The three primary colors that combine to create secondary colors are red, blue, and yellow.

Yellow-green yellow-orange red-orange are warm or cool colors?

they are warm colors

What three colors are the secondary colors of light?

The three secondary colors of light are cyan, magenta, and yellow. These colors are created by combining two primary colors of light.

Which colors are warm-colors?

Warm colors include red, orange, and yellow. These colors are often associated with feelings of energy, warmth, and positivity. They are typically found on one side of the color wheel, opposite cooler colors like blue and green.