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Cell communication deals with either mutual recognition between cells, usually by specific interaction between their surface molecules called membrane glycoproteins. Or the process in which a cell recognizes or identifies its environment.

In order to respond to changes in their immediate environment, cells must be able to receive and process signals that originate outside their borders. Individual cells often receive many signals simultaneously, and they then integrate the information they receive into a unified action plan. But cells aren't just targets. They also send out messages to other cells both near and far.

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βˆ™ 8y ago
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βˆ™ 2mo ago

Glycoproteins and glycolipids are involved in cell-to-cell recognition on the cell membrane. These molecules have unique patterns of carbohydrates that can act as identification tags for other cells. When two cells come into contact, these tags can bind to specific proteins on the surface of neighboring cells, allowing for recognition and communication between cells.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

The membrane structures that are important for cell-cell recognition are glycoproteins and glycolipid. The proteins are also essential for this purpose.

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βˆ™ 8y ago

glyco proteins are involved in that. They are made up of proteins and carbohydrates.

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βˆ™ 8y ago

Glycoproteins are involved in that.they are made up of proteins and carbohydrates

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Protein [signal] RECEPTORS.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

the receptors on cell wall [membrane]

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Q: What part of the cell membrane involve in cell to cell recognition?
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What part of the cell is the outer part of an animal cell?

The outer part of an animal cell is the cell membrane. This structure surrounds the cell and controls the movement of substances in and out of the cell. It helps maintain cell shape and provides protection to the cell.

What purpose does the membrane serve?

Cell membranes serve as a barrier that controls the movement of substances in and out of the cell, allowing the cell to maintain its internal environment. The selective permeability of the membrane also plays a crucial role in communication and recognition between cells. Additionally, cell membranes are involved in cell signaling, adhesion, and are essential for cellular structure and support.

Function of cytoplasmic membrane?

The cytoplasmic membrane, also known as the cell membrane, functions to separate the cell's interior from the external environment, providing a barrier that regulates the passage of substances in and out of the cell. It also plays a vital role in cell communication, cell recognition, and maintaining the cell's shape and integrity. Additionally, the cytoplasmic membrane contains proteins that facilitate specific functions such as transport, signaling, and cell adhesion.

The part of the cell that is in most direct contact with the environment is the?

The cell membrane, which surrounds the cell and is responsible for which molecules are allowed to diffuse into or out of the cell and which molecules are impermeable to the membrane

What component of the cell membrane is responsible for cell recognition and identity?

Glycoproteins and glycolipids on the cell membrane are responsible for cell recognition and identity. These molecules have unique patterns of carbohydrates that allow cells to differentiate between self and non-self cells, important for immune response and cell signaling.

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What is the function of the carbohydrates that make up part of the plasma membrane?

Carbohydrates often attach to the external surface of integral proteins. These carbohydrates may hold adjoining cells together or act as sites where viruses or chemical messengers such as hormones can attach.

What part of the cell is the outer part of an animal cell?

The outer part of an animal cell is the cell membrane. This structure surrounds the cell and controls the movement of substances in and out of the cell. It helps maintain cell shape and provides protection to the cell.

What type of cell membrane cell is?

cell membrane is a part of the cell (organelle) not a cell

What is the cell membrane part of?


What does the cell membrane do in a cell?

The cell membrane allows substances in and out of the cell and is a crucial part of homeostasis

What part of the cell is in the region between the cell membrane and nucleus?

The cell membrane, and the nucleolus

What part of the cell is the region between the cell membrane in the nucleus?

The cell membrane, and the nucleolus

What part of the cell is between the region of the cell membrane and nucleus?

The cell membrane, and the nucleolus

Infer the functions of the cell membrane All cells have a cell membrane where do you think the cell membrane of a plant cell located?

the cell membrane is the outer part of the cell wall.

What Controls what moves in and out of the cell?

Cell membrane

Part found in Animal cell membrane that is not in plant cell membrane?


How I can use cell membrane in a sentences?

cell membrane is the most outer part of a cell. cell membrane is very big in surface.