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Q: What membrane adheres directly to organs?
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What anatomic structure adheres directly to lung tissue?

The visceral pleura adheres directly to the lung tissue. The visceral pleura is a thin membrane that covers the surface of the lungs, providing a protective barrier.

In a frog what is the spiderlike membrane that covers the organs?

The spiderlike membrane that covers the organs in a frog is called the peritoneum. It is a thin, transparent membrane that provides protection and support for the internal organs.

What is the name of the membrane that covers the organs of the abdomen in a fetal pig?

The name of the membrane that covers the organs of the abdomen in a fetal pig is the peritoneum membrane.

What is the name of the membrane that covers the organs of the abdomen in fetal pig?

The name of the membrane that covers the organs of the abdomen in a fetal pig is the peritoneum membrane.

Which membrane lining the subdivisions of the ventral body cavity is extremely delicate and is never directly connected to the exterior?

The serous membrane, specifically the parietal layer, lines the subdivisions of the ventral body cavity. It is extremely delicate and is not directly connected to the exterior, serving to reduce friction between organs and the cavity walls.

Which epithelial membrane encase individual organs?

Visceral serosa encapsulates individual organs within the body.

What is retroperitoneal?

Is the anatomical space behind (retro) the abdominal cavity.Structures that lie behind the peritoneum are termed retroperitoneal.Kidneys, Bladder, Pancreas, Vena Cava, Aorta, parts of the Duodenum, portions of the Colon, Reproductive organs.In your abdominal cavity is a membrane called the peritoneum, the intermost lining is the visceral peritoneum, which adheres to and supports the organs. the parietal peritoneum is the outer lining that adheres to the walls of the abdominal cavity. There is a space in between the two linings that has a potential for space that some organs actually lie in or are partialy in which is called the peritoneal cavity. those organs are said to be RETROPERITONEAL.

Is the mesentery a membrane that supports internal organs?

Yes, the mesentery is a continuous fold of peritoneum that supports and stabilizes the intestines within the abdominal cavity. It also plays a role in supplying blood and lymphatic vessels to the intestines.

What Membrane layer that wrap around individual organs are called?

The membrane layer that wraps around individual organs is called the visceral pleura.

What is the thin membrane called that covers a mollusks organs?

the membrane is called the mantel

What membrane attaches directly to the lungs?

The pleural membrane.

What is the visceral membrane?

The visceral membrane is a type of serous membrane, which covers the outer layer of organs (such as the intestines). It secretes small amounts of a serous fluid, which reduces friction between organs and other structures.