

What makes rain?

Updated: 5/21/2024
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12y ago

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Ever heard of the process called water cycle? The sun warms bodies of water which causes the water to become water vapor, these vapors goes up into the air through the process called evaporation and condenses which form clouds, when the atmosphere reaches its saturation point, the vapor comes back to earth through the forms of rain, snow, hail and sleet.

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12y ago
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1mo ago

Rain is formed when water droplets in the atmosphere coalesce to form larger droplets, which then fall to the ground due to gravity. This process is usually facilitated by atmospheric conditions such as cooling of air that causes condensation, eventually leading to precipitation in the form of rain.

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16y ago

Rain plays a role in the hydrologic cycle in which moisture from the oceans evaporates, condenses into drops, precipitates (falls) from the sky, and eventually returns to the ocean via rivers and streams to repeat the cycle again. The water vapor from plant respiration also contributes to the moisture in the atmosphere. A major scientific explanation of how rain forms and falls is called the Bergeron process. More recent research points to the influence of Cloud condensation nuclei released as the result of biological processes.

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11y ago

Rain is water.

What happens is that water at ground level evaporates (which is pretty much like it becoming steam) then as the water vapour rises higher in the atmosphere it cools down to the point where it condenses back into water droplets. When the droplets get big enough, they fall down as rain.

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12y ago

On Earth, it is the condensation of atmospheric water vapor into drops of water heavy enough on Earth, it is the condensation of atmospheric water vapor into drops of water heavy enough to fall, often making it to the surfaceh to fall, often making it to the surface and some times it is called acid rain. because its made of acid. that's what

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15y ago

Rain consists of droplets of water. It may also contain dust, acids, and other airborne substances, particularly in volcanic and industrialized regions.

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14y ago

the condensation maje the rain fall from the sky cause it iz water vapor turing into liquid and there iz nothin to hold the rain back

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14y ago

Gravity on earth causes rain to fall to the ground after it turns from a gas into a liquid.This occurs in the atmosphere.

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