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A person is considered hot-natured if they tend to feel warm more often than others. This may result from a higher metabolic rate, greater sensitivity to temperature changes, or natural body composition. Hot-natured individuals may feel uncomfortable in hot weather and experience more sweating.

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Q: What makes a hot natured person?
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What does cold natured mean?

More apt to feel cold in an environment. Whereas a hot natured person is more apt to feel warm in the same environment.

If you are hot natured what does that mean?

Being "hot natured" typically refers to a person who feels warmer than others or experiences discomfort in hot environments. This can be due to a higher metabolic rate, increased sensitivity to heat, or a preference for cooler temperatures. People who are hot natured may sweat more easily or feel the need to cool down frequently.

What is a evil natured person or being?

An evil natured person or being is a person that has no conscious. An evil person will commit criminal or immoral acts and not feel any guilt.

What is an evil natured person or being called 10 letters?

An evil natured person that is 10 letters would be called Malevolent

Antonym of complicated is good-natured?

for a person to be good natured, that personal trait can be very complicated. i speak of being good natured in a very religious way. if a person can be good natured, the antonym would be evil natured. and nature by itself is a very complicated matter. being good natured is complicated. this was answered by howmuchsenuff. I'm not sure if that's the same as ID3335511688.

What is a 10 letter word for an evil natured person or being?

A 10 letter word for an evil natured person or being could be a lawbreaker, psychopath or malevolent.

What kind of ant is good natured?

A pleasant

What kind of person was paul?

He was a good natured boy.

What is a good- natured person?

he or she should be kind- hearted and loving to others

What is a affable person?

It means you are a friendly, good natured, or easy to talk to

What are different words for good natured person?

fantastic, tereffic, amazing, faboulas