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Magma is not explosive. It is however under pressure like water in hose.

If you increase the water pressure in hose it will eventually rupture, sometimes violently. Magma contained in the volcano acts the same way. There are often gases associated with magma and lava that may spew the ash and magma a considerable distance, this is not an explosion.

Magma sometimes flows over a pond of water or falls into the sea. The violent creation of steam looks explosive but again, it is just rapid expansion.

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4mo ago

Felsic lava has a high viscosity due to its high silica content, which prevents gases from escaping easily. This trapped gas can accumulate and build pressure, leading to explosive eruptions when the pressure is released. Additionally, felsic lava tends to form thicker lava domes that can collapse and trigger explosive pyroclastic flows.

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Does Mount Rainier erupt felsic lava?

Yes, Mount Rainier in Washington State erupts felsic lava which is high in silica content, making it thicker and more viscous than basaltic lava. This viscous lava can lead to explosive eruptions and the formation of lava domes.

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Composite cone volcanoes typically have more intermediate to felsic lava compositions, which are higher in silica content compared to mafic lava. This results in a more viscous lava that typically leads to explosive volcanic eruptions. Mafic lava is usually associated with shield volcanoes, which have gentler slopes and more fluid lava flows.

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Mafic lava is low in silica and high in iron and magnesium, which makes it less viscous and more fluid compared to felsic lava. It tends to flow easily and often forms basaltic rocks when it cools. Mafic lava eruptions typically result in gentle, effusive lava flows rather than explosive eruptions.

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A mafic lava flow will move faster than a felsic lava flow due to its lower viscosity. However, felsic magma tends to erupt explosively, producing fast-moving pyroclastic flows instead of lava flows.

What type of magma will produce explosive eruptions?

Magma with high silica content (felsic magma) tends to produce explosive eruptions because it is more viscous and traps gases, leading to pressure build-up before they are released explosively. This type of magma commonly forms in subduction zones where oceanic plates are being subducted beneath continental plates.

What type of magma has a high silica content?

Felsic magma has a high silica content, which makes it more viscous and prone to explosive eruptions.

Does gas in lava makes it more or less explosive?

Gas in lava can make it more explosive. When gas bubbles within the lava are trapped and then released during an eruption, it can lead to more violent explosions. The pressure from the gas causes the lava to fragment into smaller pieces, creating explosive eruptions.

Does paricutin mafic or felsic lava?

Paricutin volcano in Mexico predominantly erupted mafic lava, which is rich in magnesium and iron and has a low silica content. This type of lava tends to flow more easily compared to felsic lava.

What type of lava does mt hood have high silica or low silica?

Mt. Hood has lava with high silica content, resulting in a more viscous and explosive eruption compared to lavas with lower silica content. High silica lava tends to form more explosive eruptions due to its increased resistance to flow.

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Mauna Loa exhibits non-explosive eruptions (like many in the Hawaiian islands) in the form of low viscosity (more fluid) lava due to poor silica content.

What eruption is worse mafic or silicic?

Silicic eruptions are generally considered more explosive and destructive than mafic eruptions due to the higher viscosity and volatile content of silicic magmas. Mafic eruptions are typically less explosive and produce lava flows rather than explosive ash clouds.

If basalt is in lava is the volcano explosive?

Basaltic lava tends to be less explosive than other types of lava because it has lower viscosity and gas content. However, the explosiveness of a volcano is influenced by multiple factors including the volcano's history, magma composition, and gas content. While basaltic lava eruptions are typically less explosive, there can be exceptions.