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its the only planet that has an atmosphere strong enough to hold air

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14y ago

Earth is unique from other palnets because it is the only planet that contains life. Living things exist in it because its atmosphere and environment can sustain and protect our lives.

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Our planet earth has life in it, with breathing, and living creaters

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Because it has all the elements necessary for life like the greenhouse effect

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Q: What makes Earth unique among all the planets in the solar system?
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What are reasons why earth is unique among the planets in the sola system?

Earth is the only planet known to have life on it.

Which of the following layers of Earth is unique among the terrestrial planets?

The layer of Earth that is unique among the terrestrial planets is the hydrosphere, which consists of all the water on the planet. Earth is the only terrestrial planet known to have liquid water on its surface, which is essential for supporting life. The hydrosphere plays a key role in shaping Earth's climate and providing habitats for a wide range of organisms.

Why does the presence of liquid water make earth unique among other planets?

it is unique because we can drink from it

What number is earth among the planets on the scale of size?

Earth is the fifth largest of the eight planets of the Solar System

Earth is unique among the planets because of?

its abundant water in liquid form on the surface, its atmosphere rich in oxygen, and its diverse array of life forms. These factors make Earth the only known planet in our solar system capable of supporting complex life.

What planet has the same air as earth?

No other planet in our solar system has the same air as Earth, which is composed primarily of nitrogen (about 78%) and oxygen (about 21%). Mars has a very thin atmosphere mostly made of carbon dioxide, while Venus has a thick atmosphere with carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid clouds.

What layers of the earth is unique among the terrestrial planets?

The outermost layer of the Earth, the lithosphere, is unique among terrestrial planets due to its tectonic activity and surface features shaped by plate movements. This layer includes the crust and upper part of the mantle and plays a crucial role in Earth's geology and topography.

What is most similar among the planets in your solar system?

Probably Venus and Earth.

Why is the earth unique among the planets?

because earth is the only planet proofed that have living creatures, H2O in liquid, and friendly atmosphere to live on.

Is the earth fifth in size?

among the eight planets of our solar system, from largest to smallest, yes

What is unique about Earth among the planets of the solar system?

One unique feature of Earth is its abundant liquid water, which supports life as we know it. Additionally, Earth has a diverse atmosphere that sustains a balanced climate, allowing for the existence of complex ecosystems. Lastly, Earth has a powerful magnetic field that protects the planet from harmful solar radiation.

Why is Earth unique from other planets of the solar system?

It is the only planet we know that supports life.